Sunday, May 19, 2013

But I'm Here.

I see the people that I have filled my life with, my mom, dad, brothers, sisters, childhood friends, high school friends, extended family, and they're the ones I love the most.  I didn't choose to be born in the family that I'm in.  And I didn't choose to live in the United States, or Utah or Alpine.  But I'm here.  And you're here.  Out of everyone in this entire world you all are in my life in some way, big or small.  Out of the seven billion people in this world, I am here with you.  That must mean something.  We must be here for a reason.  And I don't think I really know you.  I don't think I can ever know what you've been through, or what you've seen.  But I know what I've seen and what I've done.  And I somehow feel an uncontrollable urge to share it with you all.  Because I feel that I'm right.  That might sound really ecocentric, but I think I'm right.  You probably think you're right too, everything you believe and think and know.  But what I have in my mind is so clear to me.  It's so pure and true.  And it's this, that there is so much more to living.  When you take away sports, and fashion, school, food, television, video games, homework, college, everything, all we have is each other.  So let's forget about our nails, and the scoreboard, and the status quote.  And lets just remember the people, the smiles, the teeth, the hair, the eyes, the people we love, the people who surround us.

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