Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Wow.  That's really harsh.  I really don't like that word.  How about "He passed away", or "He's moved on", or "He's in another life".  Yeah, that sounds much much better.

I know I'm supposed to make this post deep and sad and depressing.
Why would I want to burden myself with such a heavy subject.  A subject that worries everyone, but for real, no one ever needs to.  We are all going to die.  It's all apart of the beauty and magic of the circle of life.  Whether it be from Obesity,

or a Gun Shot,

or a Car Crash,

or a Fire,

or Cancer,

or Diabetus,

or Drinking Too Much,

or Falling Off a Cliff,

or Getting Electrocuted,

or Being Eaten by a Shark,

or Never Being Loved,

or Inhaling Chemicals,

or Drowning In a Bath Tub,

or Being Old.

I don't think I know, I don't think I understand.  No one close to me has ever died before... besides my great grandparents, and they actually wanted to die because of being so old.

I guess I don't even know the heart wrenching pain, and blood curdling feelings that come along with death.

Someday I'm sure I will lose someone I love, I'm sure I'll cry and cry and cry and cry and cry.  But right now I can't even imagine the feeling.

Right now I am going to cherish the ones that are living.  The ones around me I love and love to hold, and love to laugh with.  So when someday they do die, I will be able to say I loved them and they loved me, and their life was full of love.

Without love, death would not sting.


  1. "or Never Being Loved,"

    I so sad that it happens.
    Great post!

  2. Why would I want to burden myself with such a heavy subject.

    besides my great grandparents, and they actually wanted to die because of being so old.

    STOLEN. Stolen like my brother stole my cologne this morning.
